The Names of God

He has caused His wondrous works to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and merciful.
PSALM 111:4
The Names of God
He does not simply put down His name as only "God and Lord" but as "the gracious and merciful Lord." The names "God" and "Lord" contain something terrifying, for they are the names of majesty. But the surnames "gracious and merciful" contain pure comfort and joy. I do not know if God anywhere in the Scriptures lets Himself be called by lovelier names. So anxiously does lie want to impress on our heart with sweet words that we really ought to accept and honor His remembrance with joy and love, with praise and thanks. . .. Do not give Him a different name in your heart or make Him anything else in your conscience. You would do Him an injustice and a great wrong, and yourself the greatest harm.

From Commentary on Psalm 111 (Luther's Works 13:374-75)
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