Under Christ\'s Feet

[God] raised [Christ] from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places . . .. And He put all things under His feet.
EPHESIANS 1:20, 22
Under Christ's Feet
Christ is a much greater and higher lord than Adam was before the fall. For nothing was subjected to Adam or put under his feet, but everything is put under Christ's feet, so that the whole world and all His enemies will have to be His footstool (Psalm 110:1). Therefore this text cannot be neglected, since it strongly proves the doctrine that Christ is true God and man. If He were not man, He could not be called . . . Son of Man. If He were not Cod, He could not be Lord over all the works of God nor have all things under His feet. For no one has a right to be Lord over heaven, earth, angels, man, life—yes, over sin and death—except one who is true God by nature.

From Commentary on Psalm 8 (Luther's Works 12:134)
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