
Galatians 4:4-5
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.
Children can be mean and cruel to one another. One of the favorite insults heard on countless playgrounds around the world is, “You were adopted!” This stings because of the implied “Your parents didn’t want you!” For children and even adults who find out the parents who raised them are not their biological parents, a flood of emotions can overtake them. Why did my birth parents give me up? What was wrong with me? Did they not love me?
But adoption should never have a negative connotation attached to it. All of us who have been given faith through the working of the Holy Spirit have been adopted. Because of this we can pray in truth, “Our Father, Who art in heaven…” For God truly is our Father. Ask any adoptive parent, there is no distinguishing between adopted or biological. Their children are their children, period!
So, it is with our heavenly Father. He gave His Son as a sacrifice so we might have a relationship with Him. Christ is our brother; He made it possible for us to call God our Father. In God’s perfect timing, He sent His Son to redeem His lost children. Because of this redemption, we now enjoy all the rights and privileges of a child of God, having no distinction between adopted or biological, simply being forgiven children of our loving Father.
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