Made Manifest

1 John 4:9
In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.
Made Manifest
Over two thousand years ago, our Lord humbled Himself to the point of taking on human flesh. He became like us in every way, except without sin, so that He could one day offer His life as the sacrifice for all. We celebrate this day God’s great act of love and mercy. We come to church to celebrate with the faithful the advent of our King, Immanuel, God with us, God made manifest.
Yet this celebration is not a once-a-year occurrence. For God continues to make Himself manifest amongst us even today. Through His Word and Sacraments, God still reveals Himself to us. Through His Word, faith is given by the Holy Spirit. “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). In His gift of Baptism, our Lord is made known to us as our names are written in His book of life and His name is placed upon us – marked in faith as children of God. At His altar, we receive the true body and blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in a real and tangible way. The Savior of the nations is made manifest in, with, and under the bread and wine. The Word made flesh gives us life, and it is only in Him where we find peace. “As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me” (John 6:57).
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