He is Coming

Revelation 1:7
Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.

He is Coming
Christ is coming. This is not simply wishful thinking. This is not merely the possibility of a hope we have. No, Christ is coming again, and this fact is more certain that the rising and setting of the sun. Many, will meet this second coming of Christ with dread and wails, for they did not heed the call of the Gospel. The faithful, though, will meet it with great rejoicing as that final day of history passes, and an eternity with God begins.
Even while we anticipate the coming of Christ, we do not have to wait to see Him. For Christ comes to us now! As we read and hear the Words of Scripture, He comes to us to build up our faith. As we confess our sins and hear the words of Holy Absolution pronounced, He comes to us in forgiveness. When you remember your Baptism and the promise given there, Jesus comes to you with the promise of salvation. When you kneel at the altar and receive Christ’s true body and true blood, He comes to you with a love so profoundly deep that He gave His life that you might live.
Yes, Christ is coming again, and whether He comes for you individually at the moment of your death or if you are here on that last day, Christ is coming. But you do not have to wait; come now to church and see your Savior as He comes to you.
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