Answering the Lord

Then Job answered the LORD and said: I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
Job 42:1–2
Answering the Lord
At the end of the day, we like Job are left unable to understand God’s ways. And like Job our only answer when presented with our sin and God’s righteous judgment is to plead guilty, because we are. The problem has always been that we always try and avoid the consequences of our sins, both temporally and eternally. And that very sin distorts our knowledge of God. Job’s ultimate response was to put on sackcloth and ash and admit he cannot save himself. For us, we come to God in a similar way, not in sackcloth and ash but in contrition and repentance. For we know as Job does that our sin separates us from God and we can not save ourselves. And convicted under the Law God’s Gospel frees us. We know that our Father in heaven sent His only Son to die for us, to do what we could never do. Now when answering the Lord we do so in praise and thanksgiving for all He has done for us in Christ Jesus, for we know that He can do all things and that no purpose of His can be thwarted.
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