A Servant of God

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: Greetings.
James 1:1
A Servant of God
            In today’s world, we are obsessed with celebrities and the rich and famous. Social media is filled with people trying to become famous. And if we can’t be famous the next best thing is to know someone who is. If a friend or relative is a movie star, singer, or celebrated athlete we are sure to mention it as often as we can. We like to bask in the glow of their fame.  This is why James’s introduction is so humbling. He calls himself a servant of Jesus Christ.  It could also be translated as a slave of Jesus.  Either way, James keeps Jesus as the focus of his letter. As Jesus’ brother and well known in his own right by the time he pens this letter, James could have easily cashed in on his relationship or his status in the church as a reason to listen, but he does not. He put the focus on Christ because he knows that it is only in Christ where salvation lies, and it is only in Christ where true authority resides. He greets his fellow brothers in Christ, in Christ’s name. He shows himself to be a true servant as he guides them through his letter in the understanding of what real faith looks like. He knows that the life of a Christian is life forever changed. A life lived not for one’s self but in service towards God and our neighbor. Oh, that God would grant us the humility and adoration of James for his brother, and ours, Jesus Christ.          
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