
You also, O Cushites, shall be slain by my sword.
Zephaniah 2:12
It matters not how mighty or how numerous. The Lord punishes his enemies. He uses means to destroy, and he uses means to save and preserve. The swords of the warriors of his people, even a few of them, bring forth victory for the Lord God. The sword of the Spirit, the very Word of God, preserves and saves you and me. The Lord God preserves and saves by sending his Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit always uses the Word of God to apply the saving power of God to his people. He uses pastors and preachers to proclaim his Word. He combines his Word to water so that it becomes a life-giving water and a regeneration of the Holy Spirit. It, therefore, rescues you from death and the devil and delivers forgiveness of sins. He combines his Word to bread and wine so that it becomes the very body and blood of Jesus, who died on the cross to destroy sin and death and the devil. No matter your enemy—and your enemies are numerous and great—the Lord has defeated them. By the sword of his Cross, Jesus wins the victory over your enemies and claims you as his own. Having put his Word in your ear, he, therefore, makes it ready on your tongue. Thanks be to God for his work to save and preserve.
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