Strange Work

Then the LORD said to me, “Take once more the equipment of a foolish shepherd. For behold, I am raising up in the land a shepherd who does not care for those being destroyed, or seek the young or heal the maimed or nourish the healthy, but devours the flesh of the fat ones, tearing off even their hoofs. “Woe to my worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! Let his arm be wholly withered, his right eye utterly blinded!”
Zechariah 11:15–17
Strange Work
This chapter begins with a lament over the Lord’s coming judgment, followed by a description of how He abandoned His flock and no longer had pity on them. This chastisement is God’s “strange” work. His “proper” work is to comfort. Our confessions say it this way, “[Isaiah] calls it the ‘strange’ work of the Lord when He terrifies, because to make alive and comfort is God’s own proper work. But He terrifies … for this reason—that there may be a place for comfort and making alive.” We are accused by God’s Law and threatened with punishment for our sins. God intends this to lead us to repentance so that, trusting in Christ’s merits, we might enjoy eternal comfort and peace. We thank the Lord that He is our Good Shepherd and shows us His favor.
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