Grace and Peace

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father.
Col 1:1-2
Grace and Peace
For so long, the Church has been a part of our national culture. We were founded on Judeo/Christian values, and that has made it easy to be a Christian in the United States. But those days have passed, and we are in a new era of a post-Christian society. Like no other time in our nation’s history, Christianity is being attacked. But before you despair, take comfort. We are not alone in our struggles. The young church in Colossae was also threatened by false belief, which directed people away from Christ and His work to themselves. But God does not give up. He used Paul, Timothy, and other faithful servants to establish the truth and love of Christ in their hearts. God does not give up on us either when we or those we love are tempted by false teachings. May our Lord continue to send from heaven His love and salvation to save us. May those who would trample on us and God’s Word be put to shame. Lord, send out Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness!
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