Boast in the Lord

13 But we will not boast beyond limits, but will boast only with regard to the area of influence God assigned to us, to reach even to you. 14 For we are not overextending ourselves, as though we did not reach you. For we were the first to come all the way to you with the gospel of Christ. 15 We do not boast beyond limit in the labors of others. But our hope is that as your faith increases, our area of influence among you may be greatly enlarged, 16 so that we may preach the gospel in lands beyond you, without boasting of work already done in another’s area of influence. 17 “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” 18 For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.
2 Co 10:13–18

Boast in the Lord

The worldly things, the strong and impressive things, fade and rot and break down. Our own works always have a breaking point. Everyone sins. No, not one of us, is perfect. So we rejoice that we have been rescued from the perils of our sin. We have been bought back from the devil with the precious blood of Jesus. His innocent suffering and death has made us his own and restored our life to us. The influence that matters, that wells up to eternal life, is not the impressive things of the world. The influence that matters is the Word of God. That Word has become flesh and dwelt among us. He was born of Virgin mother and died on the cross for you. Jesus rose again to life forever to have you forever. Boast in Jesus. He is your life and your light.
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