What Eventually Comes

Vindicate me, O LORD, for I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted in the LORD without wavering.
PSALM 26:1
What Eventually Comes
There is no other counsel or help in this matter than to look to heaven, sigh, and pray God to be the judge in the matter. One should say: "Dear God, Thou knowest that we are right and they are wrong. But we cannot tell this to anyone. They will not let us tell them, but with their false doctrine they keep gaining ground. Therefore, dear God, take Thou the sword in Thy hand and intervene. Put a stop to the game." This often happens when the schismatics perish and come to naught in their lies, while the divine Word, so long neglected and despised, is restored to honor. Our Lord God works this way. His own, who have God's Word, must first be overcome, oppressed, and vexed; but defeat must eventually come to those who have been on top for so long. . . . Because God hears this crying, the fanatics and schismatics must eventually come to naught and perish.

From Commentary on Psalm 26 (Luther's Works 12:185)
March 30
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