Wisdom Hidden in Mystery

Deep calls to deep at the roar of Your waterfalls.
PSALM 42:7
Wisdom Hidden in Mystery
God's cataracts [or "waterfalls"] are the preachers of the Gospel. The Lord has opened them up and has poured down in abundance the rain of saving doctrine. And by the public proclamation of such a one the faithful are multiplied. This is what it means for the deep to call to the deep, that is, one always follows another in the Church, and a saint within calls another saint to the inner things of faith, just as day follows day and night follows night. These are those hidden things which God conceals from the prudent and the wise (Matthew 11:25). This is the wisdom hidden in a mystery (1 Corinthians 2:7).

From First Lectures on the Psalms, on Psalm 33 (Luther's Works 10:156)
June 5
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