Ministering Spirits for the Redeemed

13 And to which of the angels has he ever said,
                  “Sit at my right hand
      until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet”?
14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?

Heb 1:13–14
Ministering Spirits for the Redeemed
God's sovereign rule is evident in the distinction between Christ and the angels. While Christ is the eternal Son who reigns at the Father’s right hand, angels serve as ministering spirits for those inheriting salvation. This is a beautiful picture of God's providential care for His people. At the cross, Christ secured our salvation, tearing down the wall of sin that separated us from God. Now, as redeemed children of the Father, we are surrounded by His gracious protection. Angels are not to be worshiped but are sent by God to minister to us, serving His will and pointing us to the victory of Jesus. When trials come, remember this unseen reality: God has deployed His angels to guard and serve you. Their presence reminds us of the infinite value of our salvation, purchased by Christ’s blood, and the unshakable hope we have in Him.
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